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Currently, I am recruiting a new Ph.D. student to do research on urban ecohydrology

I am also on the lookout for motivated students to join our group. If you are interested in one of our projects, please get in touch with your CV and a brief statement on how your interests align with our group's.

Are you interested in joining our group as a graduate student or a postdoctoral scholar? 

Before inquiring about opportunities in my group, please review the information below. I also encourage you to look through this website and read up on our publications to get a flavor for the type of work we do and how we do it. 

I accept graduate students through the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geo- Engineering (CEGE) and the Water Resources Science Program at the University of Minnesota. Both programs offer Masters and Ph.D. degrees, though their admission and degree requirements differ. In order to be considered for a position in my group, you will have to submit your application to one of those programs (the deadline is typically in early December). If you plan to pursue a course-based Masters degree in CEGE (Plan C), you do not need to be first accepted into a lab. 

Once we have established a good match in terms of your interests, preparation, and goals, the most important step for securing a position in my group is to identify a source of funding. The most common form of funding is through external grants on specific lab projects; please take a look at our going projects on the Research page.

However, when no external grant funding is available, I can still work with you to apply for fellowships, such as the ones listed below. Please let me know if you plan on pursuing one of these options. 

Fellowships for graduate students: 

Fellowships for postdocs: 

I hope this information is helpful as you continue on your search.